Optimizers class.
- class nerfstudio.engine.optimizers.AdamOptimizerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, lr: float = 0.0005, eps: float = 1e-08, max_norm: ~typing.Optional[float] = None, weight_decay: float = 0)[source]#
Basic optimizer config with Adam
- weight_decay: float = 0#
The weight decay to use.
- class nerfstudio.engine.optimizers.OptimizerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, lr: float = 0.0005, eps: float = 1e-08, max_norm: ~typing.Optional[float] = None)[source]#
Basic optimizer config with RAdam
- eps: float = 1e-08#
The epsilon value to use.
- lr: float = 0.0005#
The learning rate to use.
- max_norm: Optional[float] = None#
The max norm to use for gradient clipping.
- class nerfstudio.engine.optimizers.Optimizers(config: Dict[str, Any], param_groups: Dict[str, List[Parameter]])[source]#
A set of optimizers.
- Parameters:
config – The optimizer configuration object.
param_groups – A dictionary of parameter groups to optimize.
- load_optimizers(loaded_state: Dict[str, Any]) None [source]#
Helper to load the optimizer state from previous checkpoint
- Parameters:
loaded_state – the state from the previous checkpoint
- load_schedulers(loaded_state: Dict[str, Any]) None [source]#
Helper to load the scheduler state from previous checkpoint
- Parameters:
loaded_state – the state from the previous checkpoint
- optimizer_scaler_step_all(grad_scaler: GradScaler) None [source]#
Take an optimizer step using a grad scaler.
- Parameters:
grad_scaler – GradScaler to use
- optimizer_scaler_step_some(grad_scaler: GradScaler, param_groups: List[str]) None [source]#
Take an optimizer step using a grad scaler ONLY on the specified param groups.
- Parameters:
grad_scaler – GradScaler to use
- optimizer_step(param_group_name: str) None [source]#
Fetch and step corresponding optimizer.
- Parameters:
param_group_name – name of optimizer to step forward
- scheduler_step(param_group_name: str) None [source]#
Fetch and step corresponding scheduler.
- Parameters:
param_group_name – name of scheduler to step forward
- class nerfstudio.engine.optimizers.RAdamOptimizerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <class 'torch.optim.radam.RAdam'>, lr: float = 0.0005, eps: float = 1e-08, max_norm: ~typing.Optional[float] = None, weight_decay: float = 0)[source]#
Basic optimizer config with RAdam
- weight_decay: float = 0#
The weight decay to use.
Scheduler Classes
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.CosineDecayScheduler(config: SchedulerConfig)[source]#
Cosine decay scheduler with linear warmup
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.CosineDecaySchedulerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <factory>, warm_up_end: int = 5000, learning_rate_alpha: float = 0.05, max_steps: int = 300000)[source]#
Config for cosine decay schedule
- learning_rate_alpha: float = 0.05#
Learning rate alpha value
- max_steps: int = 300000#
The maximum number of steps.
- warm_up_end: int = 5000#
Iteration number where warmp ends
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.ExponentialDecayScheduler(config: SchedulerConfig)[source]#
Exponential decay scheduler with linear warmup. Scheduler first ramps up to lr_init in warmup_steps steps, then exponentially decays to lr_final in max_steps steps.
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.ExponentialDecaySchedulerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <factory>, lr_pre_warmup: float = 1e-08, lr_final: ~typing.Optional[float] = None, warmup_steps: int = 0, max_steps: int = 100000, ramp: ~typing.Literal['linear', 'cosine'] = 'cosine')[source]#
Config for exponential decay scheduler with warmup
- lr_final: Optional[float] = None#
Final learning rate. If not provided, it will be set to the optimizers learning rate.
- lr_pre_warmup: float = 1e-08#
Learning rate before warmup.
- max_steps: int = 100000#
The maximum number of steps.
- ramp: Literal['linear', 'cosine'] = 'cosine'#
The ramp function to use during the warmup.
- warmup_steps: int = 0#
Number of warmup steps.
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.MultiStepScheduler(config: SchedulerConfig)[source]#
Multi step scheduler where lr decays by gamma every milestone
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.MultiStepSchedulerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <factory>, max_steps: int = 1000000, gamma: float = 0.33, milestones: ~typing.Tuple[int, ...] = (500000, 750000, 900000))[source]#
Config for multi step scheduler where lr decays by gamma every milestone
- gamma: float = 0.33#
The learning rate decay factor.
- max_steps: int = 1000000#
The maximum number of steps.
- milestones: Tuple[int, ...] = (500000, 750000, 900000)#
The milestone steps at which to decay the learning rate.
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.Scheduler(config: SchedulerConfig)[source]#
Base scheduler
- class nerfstudio.engine.schedulers.SchedulerConfig(_target: ~typing.Type = <factory>)[source]#
Basic scheduler config
Code to train model.
- class nerfstudio.engine.trainer.Trainer(config: TrainerConfig, local_rank: int = 0, world_size: int = 1)[source]#
Trainer class
- Parameters:
config – The configuration object.
local_rank – Local rank of the process.
world_size – World size of the process.
- config#
The configuration object.
- local_rank#
Local rank of the process.
- world_size#
World size of the process.
- device#
The device to run the training on.
- pipeline#
The pipeline object.
- Type:
- optimizers#
The optimizers object.
- callbacks#
The callbacks object.
- Type:
- training_state#
Current model training state.
- setup(test_mode: Literal['test', 'val', 'inference'] = 'val') None [source]#
Setup the Trainer by calling other setup functions.
- Parameters:
test_mode – ‘val’: loads train/val datasets into memory ‘test’: loads train/test datasets into memory ‘inference’: does not load any dataset into memory
- setup_optimizers() Optimizers [source]#
Helper to set up the optimizers
- Returns:
The optimizers object given the trainer config.
- class nerfstudio.engine.trainer.TrainerConfig(_target: Type = <factory>, output_dir: Path = PosixPath('outputs'), method_name: Optional[str] = None, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, project_name: Optional[str] = 'nerfstudio-project', timestamp: str = '{timestamp}', machine: MachineConfig = <factory>, logging: LoggingConfig = <factory>, viewer: ViewerConfig = <factory>, pipeline: VanillaPipelineConfig = <factory>, optimizers: Dict[str, Any] = <factory>, vis: Literal['viewer', 'wandb', 'tensorboard', 'comet', 'viewer+wandb', 'viewer+tensorboard', 'viewer+comet', 'viewer_legacy'] = 'wandb', data: Optional[Path] = None, prompt: Optional[str] = None, relative_model_dir: Path = PosixPath('nerfstudio_models'), load_scheduler: bool = True, steps_per_save: int = 1000, steps_per_eval_batch: int = 500, steps_per_eval_image: int = 500, steps_per_eval_all_images: int = 25000, max_num_iterations: int = 1000000, mixed_precision: bool = False, use_grad_scaler: bool = False, save_only_latest_checkpoint: bool = True, load_dir: Optional[Path] = None, load_step: Optional[int] = None, load_config: Optional[Path] = None, load_checkpoint: Optional[Path] = None, log_gradients: bool = False, gradient_accumulation_steps: Dict[str, int] = <factory>, start_paused: bool = False)[source]#
Configuration for training regimen
- gradient_accumulation_steps: Dict[str, int]#
- Type:
Number of steps to accumulate gradients over. Contains a mapping of {param_group
- load_checkpoint: Optional[Path] = None#
Path to checkpoint file.
- load_config: Optional[Path] = None#
Path to config YAML file.
- load_dir: Optional[Path] = None#
Optionally specify a pre-trained model directory to load from.
- load_step: Optional[int] = None#
Optionally specify model step to load from; if none, will find most recent model in load_dir.
- log_gradients: bool = False#
Optionally log gradients during training
- max_num_iterations: int = 1000000#
Maximum number of iterations to run.
- mixed_precision: bool = False#
Whether or not to use mixed precision for training.
- save_only_latest_checkpoint: bool = True#
Whether to only save the latest checkpoint or all checkpoints.
- start_paused: bool = False#
Whether to start the training in a paused state.
- steps_per_eval_all_images: int = 25000#
Number of steps between eval all images.
- steps_per_eval_batch: int = 500#
Number of steps between randomly sampled batches of rays.
- steps_per_eval_image: int = 500#
Number of steps between single eval images.
- steps_per_save: int = 1000#
Number of steps between saves.
- use_grad_scaler: bool = False#
Use gradient scaler even if the automatic mixed precision is disabled.
Callback code used for training iterations
- class nerfstudio.engine.callbacks.TrainingCallback(where_to_run: List[TrainingCallbackLocation], func: Callable, update_every_num_iters: Optional[int] = None, iters: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None, args: Optional[List] = None, kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None)[source]#
Callback class used during training. The function ‘func’ with ‘args’ and ‘kwargs’ will be called every ‘update_every_num_iters’ training iterations, including at iteration 0. The function is called after the training iteration.
- Parameters:
where_to_run – List of locations for when to run callback (before/after iteration)
func – The function that will be called.
update_every_num_iters – How often to call the function func.
iters – Tuple of iteration steps to perform callback
args – args for the function ‘func’.
kwargs – kwargs for the function ‘func’.
- run_callback(step: int) None [source]#
Callback to run after training step
- Parameters:
step – current iteration step
- run_callback_at_location(step: int, location: TrainingCallbackLocation) None [source]#
Runs the callback if it’s supposed to be run at the given location.
- Parameters:
step – current iteration step
location – when to run callback (before/after iteration)
- class nerfstudio.engine.callbacks.TrainingCallbackAttributes(optimizers: Optional[Optimizers], grad_scaler: Optional[GradScaler], pipeline: Optional['Pipeline'], trainer: Optional['Trainer'])[source]#
Attributes that can be used to configure training callbacks. The callbacks can be specified in the Dataloader or Model implementations. Instead of providing access to the entire Trainer object, we only provide these attributes. This should be least prone to errors and fairly clean from a user perspective.
- grad_scaler: Optional[GradScaler]#
gradient scalers
- optimizers: Optional[Optimizers]#
optimizers for training
- pipeline: Optional['Pipeline']#
reference to training pipeline
- trainer: Optional['Trainer']#
reference to trainer