Data conventions#

Coordinate conventions#

Here we explain the coordinate conventions for using our repo.

Camera/view space#

We use the OpenGL/Blender (and original NeRF) coordinate convention for cameras. +X is right, +Y is up, and +Z is pointing back and away from the camera. -Z is the look-at direction. Other codebases may use the COLMAP/OpenCV convention, where the Y and Z axes are flipped from ours but the +X axis remains the same.

World space#

Our world space is oriented such that the up vector is +Z. The XY plane is parallel to the ground plane. In the viewer, you’ll notice that red, green, and blue vectors correspond to X, Y, and Z respectively.

Pixel coordinates#

We assume coordinates correspond to the centers of pixels (e.g. generating a ray for pixel (0,0) will shoot the ray through the center of that pixel). This aligns more with graphics conventions, and is distinct from OpenCV where the corners are aligned with the pixel coordinate.

Dataset format#

Our explanation here is for the nerfstudio data format. The transforms.json has a similar format to Instant NGP.

Camera intrinsics#

If all of the images share the same camera intrinsics, the values can be placed at the top of the file.

  "camera_model": "OPENCV_FISHEYE", // camera model type [OPENCV, OPENCV_FISHEYE]
  "fl_x": 1072.0, // focal length x
  "fl_y": 1068.0, // focal length y
  "cx": 1504.0, // principal point x
  "cy": 1000.0, // principal point y
  "w": 3008, // image width
  "h": 2000, // image height
  "k1": 0.0312, // first radial distortion parameter, used by [OPENCV, OPENCV_FISHEYE]
  "k2": 0.0051, // second radial distortion parameter, used by [OPENCV, OPENCV_FISHEYE]
  "k3": 0.0006, // third radial distortion parameter, used by [OPENCV_FISHEYE]
  "k4": 0.0001, // fourth radial distortion parameter, used by [OPENCV_FISHEYE]
  "p1": -6.47e-5, // first tangential distortion parameter, used by [OPENCV]
  "p2": -1.37e-7, // second tangential distortion parameter, used by [OPENCV]
  "frames": // ... per-frame intrinsics and extrinsics parameters

Per-frame intrinsics can also be defined in the frames field. If defined for a field (ie. fl_x), all images must have per-image intrinsics defined for that field. Per-frame camera_model is not supported.

  // ...
  "frames": [
      "fl_x": 1234

Camera extrinsics#

For a transform matrix, the first 3 columns are the +X, +Y, and +Z defining the camera orientation, and the X, Y, Z values define the origin. The last row is to be compatible with homogeneous coordinates.

  // ...
  "frames": [
      "file_path": "images/frame_00001.jpeg",
      "transform_matrix": [
        // [+X0 +Y0 +Z0 X]
        // [+X1 +Y1 +Z1 Y]
        // [+X2 +Y2 +Z2 Z]
        // [0.0 0.0 0.0 1]
        [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
      // Additional per-frame info

Depth images#

To train with depth supervision, you can also provide a depth_file_path for each frame in your transforms.json and use one of the methods that support additional depth losses (e.g., depth-nerfacto). The depths are assumed to be 16-bit or 32-bit and to be in millimeters to remain consistent with Polyform. Zero-value in the depth image is treated as unknown depth. You can adjust this scaling factor using the depth_unit_scale_factor parameter in NerfstudioDataParserConfig. Note that by default, we resize the depth images to match the shape of the RGB images.

  "frames": [
      // ...
      "depth_file_path": "depth/0001.png"



The current implementation of masking is inefficient and will cause large memory allocations.

There may be parts of the training image that should not be used during training (ie. moving objects such as people). These images can be masked out using an additional mask image that is specified in the frame data.

  "frames": [
      // ...
      "mask_path": "masks/mask.jpeg"

The following mask requirements must be met:

  • Must be 1 channel with only black and white pixels

  • Must be the same resolution as the training image

  • Black corresponds to regions to ignore

  • If used, all images must have a mask