Load a checkpoint and start the viewer.
usage: ns-viewer [-h] [OPTIONS]
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- --load-config
Path to config YAML file. (required)
- --vis
Possible choices: viewer, viewer_legacy
Type of viewer (default: viewer)
viewer options#
Viewer configuration
- --viewer.relative-log-filename
Filename to use for the log file. (default: viewer_log_filename.txt)
- --viewer.websocket-port
The websocket port to connect to. If None, find an available port. (default: None)
- --viewer.websocket-port-default
The default websocket port to connect to if websocket_port is not specified (default: 7007)
- --viewer.websocket-host
The host address to bind the websocket server to. (default:
- --viewer.num-rays-per-chunk
number of rays per chunk to render with viewer (default: -1)
- --viewer.max-num-display-images
Maximum number of training images to display in the viewer, to avoid lag. This does not change which images are actually used in training/evaluation. If -1, display all. (default: 512)
- --viewer.quit-on-train-completion
Possible choices: True, False
Whether to kill the training job when it has completed. Note this will stop rendering in the viewer. (default: False)
- --viewer.image-format
Possible choices: jpeg, png
Image format viewer should use; jpeg is lossy compression, while png is lossless. (default: jpeg)
- --viewer.jpeg-quality
Quality tradeoff to use for jpeg compression. (default: 75)
- --viewer.make-share-url
Possible choices: True, False
Viewer beta feature: print a shareable URL. This flag is ignored in the legacy version of the viewer. (default: False)
- --viewer.camera-frustum-scale
Scale for the camera frustums in the viewer. (default: 0.1)
- --viewer.default-composite-depth
Possible choices: True, False
The default value for compositing depth. Turn off if you want to see the camera frustums without occlusions. (default: True)