Exporting to Unreal Engine#

NeRFStudio models can be used in Unreal Engine if they are converted to an NVOL file. NVOL is a new standard file format to store NeRFs in a fast and efficient way. NVOL files can be obtained from NeRFStudio checkpoints files (.ckpt) using the Volinga Suite.
Exporting your model to NVOL#
Currently NVOL file only supports Volinga model (which is based on nerfacto). To use Volinga model you will need to install Volinga extension for NeRFStudio. You can train your model using the following command:
ns-train volinga --data /path/to/your/data --vis viewer
Once the training is done, you can find your checkpoint file in the outputs/path-to-your-data/volinga
folder. Then, you can drag it to Volinga Suite to export it to NVOL.

Once the NVOL is ready, you can download it and use it in Unreal Engine.