Feature Splatting#

Feature Splatting

Paper Website


Feature Splatting distills SAM-enhanced CLIP features into 3DGS for segmentation and editing


First install nerfstudio dependencies. Then run:

pip install git+https://github.com/vuer-ai/feature-splatting

Running Feature Splatting#

Details for running Feature Splatting (built with Nerfstudio!) can be found here. Once installed, run:

ns-train feature-splatting --help

Currently, we provide the following variants:






Feature Splatting with MaskCLIP ViT-L/14@336px and MobileSAMv2

~8 GB


Note that the reference features used in this version are different from the version used in the paper in two ways

  • The SAM-enhanced CLIP features are computed using MobileSAMv2, which is much faster than original SAM but slightly less accurate.

  • The CLIP features are computed only on the image-level.


Feature splatting distills CLIP features into 3DGS by view-independent rasterization, which allows open-vocabulary 2D segmentation and open-vocabulary 3D segmentation of Gaussians directly in the 3D space. This implementation supports simple editing applications by directly manipulating Gaussians.

Reference feature computation and joint supervision#

Feature splatting computes high-quality SAM-enhanced CLIP features as reference features. Compared to coarse CLIP features (such as those used in LERF), Feature splatting performs an object-level masked average pooling of the features to refine the boundary of objects. While the original ECCV’24 paper uses SAM for part-level masks, this implementation uses MobileSAMv2 for much faster reference features computation, which we hope would encourage downstream applications that require real-time performance.

In addition to SAM-enhanced features, we also found that using DINOv2 features as a joint supervision helps regularize the internal structure of objects, which is similar to findings in existing work.

Scene Editing#

Thanks to the explicit representation of 3DGS, grouped Gaussians can be easily manipulated. While the original ECCV’24 paper proposes a series of editing primitives, to avoid introducing excessive dependencies or hacks, we support a subset of editing primitives in this implementation:

Rigid operations

  • Floor estimation (for intuitive rotation and gravity estimation)

  • Translation

  • Transparent (highlights segmented object and turns background Gaussians transparent)

  • Rotation (yaw only w.r.t. estimated ground)

Non-rigid operations

  • Sand-like melting (based on Taichi MPM method)

If you find our work helpful for your research, please consider citing

    title={Language-Driven Physics-Based Scene Synthesis and Editing via Feature Splatting},
    author={Ri-Zhao Qiu and Ge Yang and Weijia Zeng and Xiaolong Wang},
    booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},