Source code for

# Copyright 2022 the Regents of the University of California, Nerfstudio Team and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Data parser for DyCheck ( dataset of `iphone` subset"""

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Type

import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch

from nerfstudio.cameras.cameras import Cameras, CameraType
from import DataParser, DataParserConfig, DataparserOutputs
from import SceneBox
from nerfstudio.utils.colors import get_color
from import load_from_json
from nerfstudio.utils.rich_utils import CONSOLE

[docs]def downscale(img, scale: int) -> np.ndarray: """Function from DyCheck's repo. Downscale an image. Args: img: Input image scale: Factor of the scale Returns: New image """ if scale == 1: return img height, width = img.shape[:2] if height % scale > 0 or width % scale > 0: raise ValueError(f"Image shape ({height},{width}) must be divisible by the" f" scale ({scale}).") out_height, out_width = height // scale, width // scale resized = cv2.resize(img, (out_width, out_height), cv2.INTER_AREA) # type: ignore return resized
[docs]def upscale(img, scale: int) -> np.ndarray: """Function from DyCheck's repo. Upscale an image. Args: img: Input image scale: Factor of the scale Returns: New image """ if scale == 1: return img height, width = img.shape[:2] out_height, out_width = height * scale, width * scale resized = cv2.resize(img, (out_width, out_height), cv2.INTER_AREA) # type: ignore return resized
[docs]def rescale(img, scale_factor: float, interpolation: int = cv2.INTER_AREA) -> np.ndarray: """Function from DyCheck's repo. Rescale an image. Args: img: Input image scale: Factor of the scale interpolation: Interpolation method in opencv Returns: New image """ scale_factor = float(scale_factor) if scale_factor <= 0.0: raise ValueError("scale_factor must be a non-negative number.") if scale_factor == 1.0: return img height, width = img.shape[:2] if scale_factor.is_integer(): return upscale(img, int(scale_factor)) inv_scale = 1.0 / scale_factor if inv_scale.is_integer() and (scale_factor * height).is_integer() and (scale_factor * width).is_integer(): return downscale(img, int(inv_scale)) print(f"Resizing image by non-integer factor {scale_factor}, this may lead to artifacts.") height, width = img.shape[:2] out_height = math.ceil(height * scale_factor) out_height -= out_height % 2 out_width = math.ceil(width * scale_factor) out_width -= out_width % 2 return cv2.resize(img, (out_width, out_height), interpolation) # type: ignore
def _load_scene_info(data_dir: Path) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, float, float]: """Function from DyCheck's repo. Load scene info from json. Args: data_dir: data path Returns: A tuple of scene info: center, scale, near, far """ scene_dict = load_from_json(data_dir / "scene.json") center = np.array(scene_dict["center"], dtype=np.float32) scale = scene_dict["scale"] near = scene_dict["near"] far = scene_dict["far"] return center, scale, near, far def _load_metadata_info(data_dir: Path) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Function from DyCheck's repo. Load scene metadata from json. Args: data_dir: data path Returns: A tuple of scene info: frame_names_map, time_ids, camera_ids """ dataset_dict = load_from_json(data_dir / "dataset.json") _frame_names = np.array(dataset_dict["ids"]) metadata_dict = load_from_json(data_dir / "metadata.json") time_ids = np.array([metadata_dict[k]["warp_id"] for k in _frame_names], dtype=np.uint32) camera_ids = np.array([metadata_dict[k]["camera_id"] for k in _frame_names], dtype=np.uint32) frame_names_map = np.zeros((time_ids.max() + 1, camera_ids.max() + 1), _frame_names.dtype) for i, (t, c) in enumerate(zip(time_ids, camera_ids)): frame_names_map[t, c] = _frame_names[i] return frame_names_map, time_ids, camera_ids def _rescale_depth(depth_raw: np.ndarray, cam: Dict) -> np.ndarray: """Depth rescale function from DyCheck. Args: depth: A numpy ndarray of the raw depth cam: Dict of the camera Returns: A numpy ndarray of the processed depth """ xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(cam["width"], dtype=np.float32), np.arange(cam["height"], dtype=np.float32)) pixels = np.stack([xx, yy], axis=-1) batch_shape = pixels.shape[:-1] pixels = np.reshape(pixels, (-1, 2)) y = (pixels[..., 1] - cam["cy"]) / cam["fy"] x = (pixels[..., 0] - cam["cx"]) / cam["fx"] # x = (pixels[..., 0] - self.principal_point_x - y * self.skew) / self.scale_factor_x # assume skew = 0 viewdirs = np.stack([x, y, np.ones_like(x)], axis=-1) local_viewdirs = viewdirs / np.linalg.norm(viewdirs, axis=-1, keepdims=True) viewdirs = (cam["camera_to_worlds"][:3, :3] @ local_viewdirs[..., None])[..., 0] viewdirs /= np.linalg.norm(viewdirs, axis=-1, keepdims=True) viewdirs = viewdirs.reshape((*batch_shape, 3)) cosa = viewdirs @ (cam["camera_to_worlds"][:, 2]) if depth_raw.ndim == cosa.ndim: depth = depth_raw[..., None] / cosa[..., None] else: depth = depth_raw / cosa[..., None] return depth
[docs]@dataclass class DycheckDataParserConfig(DataParserConfig): """Dycheck ( dataset parser config""" _target: Type = field(default_factory=lambda: Dycheck) """target class to instantiate""" data: Path = Path("data/iphone/mochi-high-five") """Directory specifying location of data.""" scale_factor: float = 5.0 """How much to scale the camera origins by.""" alpha_color: str = "white" """alpha color of background""" downscale_factor: int = 1 """How much to downscale images.""" scene_box_bound: float = 1.5 """Boundary of scene box."""
[docs]@dataclass class Dycheck(DataParser): """Dycheck ( Dataset `iphone` subset""" config: DycheckDataParserConfig includes_time: bool = True def __init__(self, config: DycheckDataParserConfig): super().__init__(config=config) Path = self.scale_factor: float = config.scale_factor self.alpha_color = config.alpha_color # load extra info from "extra.json" extra_path = / "extra.json" extra_dict = load_from_json(extra_path) self._factor = extra_dict["factor"] self._fps = extra_dict["fps"] self._bbox = np.array(extra_dict["bbox"], dtype=np.float32) self._lookat = np.array(extra_dict["lookat"], dtype=np.float32) self._up = np.array(extra_dict["up"], dtype=np.float32) self._center, self._scale, self._near, self._far = _load_scene_info( self._frame_names_map, self._time_ids, self._camera_ids = _load_metadata_info( def _generate_dataparser_outputs(self, split="train"): if self.alpha_color is not None: alpha_color_tensor = get_color(self.alpha_color) else: alpha_color_tensor = None splits_dir = / "splits" # scale the scene to fill the aabb bbox sf = self.config.scene_box_bound / 4 / (self._scale * self._far) # CONSOLE.print(f"scale factor changed from {self.config.scale_factor} to {sf}") self.config.scale_factor = sf if not (splits_dir / f"{split}.json").exists(): CONSOLE.print(f"split {split} not found, using split train") split = "train" split_dict = load_from_json(splits_dir / f"{split}.json") frame_names = np.array(split_dict["frame_names"]) time_ids = np.array(split_dict["time_ids"]) if split != "train": CONSOLE.print(f"split {split} is empty, using the 1st training image") split_dict = load_from_json(splits_dir / "train.json") frame_names = np.array(split_dict["frame_names"])[[0]] time_ids = np.array(split_dict["time_ids"])[[0]] image_filenames, depth_filenames, cams = self.process_frames(frame_names.tolist(), time_ids) scene_box = SceneBox( aabb=torch.tensor( [[-self.config.scene_box_bound] * 3, [self.config.scene_box_bound] * 3], dtype=torch.float32 ) ) cam_dict = {} for k in cams[0].keys(): cam_dict[k] = torch.stack([torch.as_tensor(c[k]) for c in cams], dim=0) cameras = Cameras(camera_type=CameraType.PERSPECTIVE, **cam_dict) scale = self._scale * self.config.scale_factor dataparser_outputs = DataparserOutputs( image_filenames=image_filenames, cameras=cameras, alpha_color=alpha_color_tensor, scene_box=scene_box, metadata={ "depth_filenames": depth_filenames, "depth_unit_scale_factor": scale, "scale": scale, "near": self._near * scale, "far": self._far * scale, }, ) return dataparser_outputs
[docs] def process_frames(self, frame_names: List[str], time_ids: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[List, List, List]: """Read cameras and filenames from the name list. Args: frame_names: list of file names. time_ids: time id of each frame. Returns: A list of camera, each entry is a dict of the camera. """ image_filenames, depth_filenames = [], [] cams = [] for idx, frame in enumerate(frame_names): image_filenames.append( / f"rgb/{self.config.downscale_factor}x/{frame}.png") depth_filenames.append( / f"processed_depth/{self.config.downscale_factor}x/{frame}.npy") cam_json = load_from_json( / f"camera/{frame}.json") c2w = torch.as_tensor(cam_json["orientation"]).T position = torch.as_tensor(cam_json["position"]) position -= self._center # some scenes look weird (wheel) position *= self._scale * self.config.scale_factor pose = torch.zeros([3, 4]) pose[:3, :3] = c2w pose[:3, 3] = position # from opencv coord to opengl coord (used by nerfstudio) pose[0:3, 1:3] *= -1 # switch cam coord x,y pose = pose[[1, 0, 2], :] # switch world x,y pose[2, :] *= -1 # invert world z # for aabb bbox usage pose = pose[[1, 2, 0], :] # switch world xyz to zxy cams.append( { "camera_to_worlds": pose, "fx": cam_json["focal_length"] / self.config.downscale_factor, "fy": cam_json["focal_length"] * cam_json["pixel_aspect_ratio"] / self.config.downscale_factor, "cx": cam_json["principal_point"][0] / self.config.downscale_factor, "cy": cam_json["principal_point"][1] / self.config.downscale_factor, "height": cam_json["image_size"][1] // self.config.downscale_factor, "width": cam_json["image_size"][0] // self.config.downscale_factor, "times": torch.as_tensor(time_ids[idx] / self._time_ids.max()).float(), } ) d = self.config.downscale_factor if not image_filenames[0].exists(): CONSOLE.print(f"downscale factor {d}x not exist, converting") ori_h, ori_w = cv2.imread(str( / f"rgb/1x/{frame_names[0]}.png")).shape[:2] ( / f"rgb/{d}x").mkdir(exist_ok=True) h, w = ori_h // d, ori_w // d for frame in frame_names: cv2.imwrite( str( / f"rgb/{d}x/{frame}.png"), cv2.resize(cv2.imread(str( / f"rgb/1x/{frame}.png")), (w, h)), ) CONSOLE.print("finished") if not depth_filenames[0].exists(): CONSOLE.print(f"processed depth downscale factor {d}x not exist, converting") ( / f"processed_depth/{d}x").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) for idx, frame in enumerate(frame_names): depth = np.load( / f"depth/1x/{frame}.npy") mask = rescale((depth != 0).astype(np.uint8) * 255, 1 / d, cv2.INTER_AREA) depth = rescale(depth, 1 / d, cv2.INTER_AREA) depth[mask != 255] = 0 depth = _rescale_depth(depth, cams[idx]) / f"processed_depth/{d}x/{frame}.npy"), depth) CONSOLE.print("finished") return image_filenames, depth_filenames, cams