Source code for

# Copyright 2022 the Regents of the University of California, Nerfstudio Team and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Data parser for nerfstudio datasets."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple, Type

import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL import Image

from nerfstudio.cameras import camera_utils
from nerfstudio.cameras.cameras import CAMERA_MODEL_TO_TYPE, Cameras, CameraType
from import DataParser, DataParserConfig, DataparserOutputs
from import SceneBox
from import (
from import load_from_json
from nerfstudio.utils.rich_utils import CONSOLE


[docs]@dataclass class NerfstudioDataParserConfig(DataParserConfig): """Nerfstudio dataset config""" _target: Type = field(default_factory=lambda: Nerfstudio) """target class to instantiate""" data: Path = Path() """Directory or explicit json file path specifying location of data.""" scale_factor: float = 1.0 """How much to scale the camera origins by.""" downscale_factor: Optional[int] = None """How much to downscale images. If not set, images are chosen such that the max dimension is <1600px.""" scene_scale: float = 1.0 """How much to scale the region of interest by.""" orientation_method: Literal["pca", "up", "vertical", "none"] = "up" """The method to use for orientation.""" center_method: Literal["poses", "focus", "none"] = "poses" """The method to use to center the poses.""" auto_scale_poses: bool = True """Whether to automatically scale the poses to fit in +/- 1 bounding box.""" eval_mode: Literal["fraction", "filename", "interval", "all"] = "fraction" """ The method to use for splitting the dataset into train and eval. Fraction splits based on a percentage for train and the remaining for eval. Filename splits based on filenames containing train/eval. Interval uses every nth frame for eval. All uses all the images for any split. """ train_split_fraction: float = 0.9 """The percentage of the dataset to use for training. Only used when eval_mode is train-split-fraction.""" eval_interval: int = 8 """The interval between frames to use for eval. Only used when eval_mode is eval-interval.""" depth_unit_scale_factor: float = 1e-3 """Scales the depth values to meters. Default value is 0.001 for a millimeter to meter conversion.""" mask_color: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]] = None """Replace the unknown pixels with this color. Relevant if you have a mask but still sample everywhere.""" load_3D_points: bool = False """Whether to load the 3D points from the colmap reconstruction."""
[docs]@dataclass class Nerfstudio(DataParser): """Nerfstudio DatasetParser""" config: NerfstudioDataParserConfig downscale_factor: Optional[int] = None def _generate_dataparser_outputs(self, split="train"): assert, f"Data directory {} does not exist." if == ".json": meta = load_from_json( data_dir = else: meta = load_from_json( / "transforms.json") data_dir = image_filenames = [] mask_filenames = [] depth_filenames = [] poses = [] fx_fixed = "fl_x" in meta fy_fixed = "fl_y" in meta cx_fixed = "cx" in meta cy_fixed = "cy" in meta height_fixed = "h" in meta width_fixed = "w" in meta distort_fixed = False for distort_key in ["k1", "k2", "k3", "p1", "p2", "distortion_params"]: if distort_key in meta: distort_fixed = True break fisheye_crop_radius = meta.get("fisheye_crop_radius", None) fx = [] fy = [] cx = [] cy = [] height = [] width = [] distort = [] # sort the frames by fname fnames = [] for frame in meta["frames"]: filepath = Path(frame["file_path"]) fname = self._get_fname(filepath, data_dir) fnames.append(fname) inds = np.argsort(fnames) frames = [meta["frames"][ind] for ind in inds] for frame in frames: filepath = Path(frame["file_path"]) fname = self._get_fname(filepath, data_dir) if not fx_fixed: assert "fl_x" in frame, "fx not specified in frame" fx.append(float(frame["fl_x"])) if not fy_fixed: assert "fl_y" in frame, "fy not specified in frame" fy.append(float(frame["fl_y"])) if not cx_fixed: assert "cx" in frame, "cx not specified in frame" cx.append(float(frame["cx"])) if not cy_fixed: assert "cy" in frame, "cy not specified in frame" cy.append(float(frame["cy"])) if not height_fixed: assert "h" in frame, "height not specified in frame" height.append(int(frame["h"])) if not width_fixed: assert "w" in frame, "width not specified in frame" width.append(int(frame["w"])) if not distort_fixed: distort.append( torch.tensor(frame["distortion_params"], dtype=torch.float32) if "distortion_params" in frame else camera_utils.get_distortion_params( k1=float(frame["k1"]) if "k1" in frame else 0.0, k2=float(frame["k2"]) if "k2" in frame else 0.0, k3=float(frame["k3"]) if "k3" in frame else 0.0, k4=float(frame["k4"]) if "k4" in frame else 0.0, p1=float(frame["p1"]) if "p1" in frame else 0.0, p2=float(frame["p2"]) if "p2" in frame else 0.0, ) ) image_filenames.append(fname) poses.append(np.array(frame["transform_matrix"])) if "mask_path" in frame: mask_filepath = Path(frame["mask_path"]) mask_fname = self._get_fname( mask_filepath, data_dir, downsample_folder_prefix="masks_", ) mask_filenames.append(mask_fname) if "depth_file_path" in frame: depth_filepath = Path(frame["depth_file_path"]) depth_fname = self._get_fname(depth_filepath, data_dir, downsample_folder_prefix="depths_") depth_filenames.append(depth_fname) assert len(mask_filenames) == 0 or (len(mask_filenames) == len(image_filenames)), """ Different number of image and mask filenames. You should check that mask_path is specified for every frame (or zero frames) in transforms.json. """ assert len(depth_filenames) == 0 or (len(depth_filenames) == len(image_filenames)), """ Different number of image and depth filenames. You should check that depth_file_path is specified for every frame (or zero frames) in transforms.json. """ has_split_files_spec = any(f"{split}_filenames" in meta for split in ("train", "val", "test")) if f"{split}_filenames" in meta: # Validate split first split_filenames = set(self._get_fname(Path(x), data_dir) for x in meta[f"{split}_filenames"]) unmatched_filenames = split_filenames.difference(image_filenames) if unmatched_filenames: raise RuntimeError(f"Some filenames for split {split} were not found: {unmatched_filenames}.") indices = [i for i, path in enumerate(image_filenames) if path in split_filenames] CONSOLE.log(f"[yellow] Dataset is overriding {split}_indices to {indices}") indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.int32) elif has_split_files_spec: raise RuntimeError(f"The dataset's list of filenames for split {split} is missing.") else: # find train and eval indices based on the eval_mode specified if self.config.eval_mode == "fraction": i_train, i_eval = get_train_eval_split_fraction(image_filenames, self.config.train_split_fraction) elif self.config.eval_mode == "filename": i_train, i_eval = get_train_eval_split_filename(image_filenames) elif self.config.eval_mode == "interval": i_train, i_eval = get_train_eval_split_interval(image_filenames, self.config.eval_interval) elif self.config.eval_mode == "all": CONSOLE.log( "[yellow] Be careful with '--eval-mode=all'. If using camera optimization, the cameras may diverge in the current implementation, giving unpredictable results." ) i_train, i_eval = get_train_eval_split_all(image_filenames) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown eval mode {self.config.eval_mode}") if split == "train": indices = i_train elif split in ["val", "test"]: indices = i_eval else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown dataparser split {split}") if "orientation_override" in meta: orientation_method = meta["orientation_override"] CONSOLE.log(f"[yellow] Dataset is overriding orientation method to {orientation_method}") else: orientation_method = self.config.orientation_method poses = torch.from_numpy(np.array(poses).astype(np.float32)) poses, transform_matrix = camera_utils.auto_orient_and_center_poses( poses, method=orientation_method, center_method=self.config.center_method, ) # Scale poses scale_factor = 1.0 if self.config.auto_scale_poses: scale_factor /= float(torch.max(torch.abs(poses[:, :3, 3]))) scale_factor *= self.config.scale_factor poses[:, :3, 3] *= scale_factor # Choose image_filenames and poses based on split, but after auto orient and scaling the poses. image_filenames = [image_filenames[i] for i in indices] mask_filenames = [mask_filenames[i] for i in indices] if len(mask_filenames) > 0 else [] depth_filenames = [depth_filenames[i] for i in indices] if len(depth_filenames) > 0 else [] idx_tensor = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long) poses = poses[idx_tensor] # in x,y,z order # assumes that the scene is centered at the origin aabb_scale = self.config.scene_scale scene_box = SceneBox( aabb=torch.tensor( [[-aabb_scale, -aabb_scale, -aabb_scale], [aabb_scale, aabb_scale, aabb_scale]], dtype=torch.float32 ) ) if "camera_model" in meta: camera_type = CAMERA_MODEL_TO_TYPE[meta["camera_model"]] else: camera_type = CameraType.PERSPECTIVE fx = float(meta["fl_x"]) if fx_fixed else torch.tensor(fx, dtype=torch.float32)[idx_tensor] fy = float(meta["fl_y"]) if fy_fixed else torch.tensor(fy, dtype=torch.float32)[idx_tensor] cx = float(meta["cx"]) if cx_fixed else torch.tensor(cx, dtype=torch.float32)[idx_tensor] cy = float(meta["cy"]) if cy_fixed else torch.tensor(cy, dtype=torch.float32)[idx_tensor] height = int(meta["h"]) if height_fixed else torch.tensor(height, dtype=torch.int32)[idx_tensor] width = int(meta["w"]) if width_fixed else torch.tensor(width, dtype=torch.int32)[idx_tensor] if distort_fixed: distortion_params = ( torch.tensor(meta["distortion_params"], dtype=torch.float32) if "distortion_params" in meta else camera_utils.get_distortion_params( k1=float(meta["k1"]) if "k1" in meta else 0.0, k2=float(meta["k2"]) if "k2" in meta else 0.0, k3=float(meta["k3"]) if "k3" in meta else 0.0, k4=float(meta["k4"]) if "k4" in meta else 0.0, p1=float(meta["p1"]) if "p1" in meta else 0.0, p2=float(meta["p2"]) if "p2" in meta else 0.0, ) ) else: distortion_params = torch.stack(distort, dim=0)[idx_tensor] # Only add fisheye crop radius parameter if the images are actually fisheye, to allow the same config to be used # for both fisheye and non-fisheye datasets. metadata = {} if (camera_type in [CameraType.FISHEYE, CameraType.FISHEYE624]) and (fisheye_crop_radius is not None): metadata["fisheye_crop_radius"] = fisheye_crop_radius cameras = Cameras( fx=fx, fy=fy, cx=cx, cy=cy, distortion_params=distortion_params, height=height, width=width, camera_to_worlds=poses[:, :3, :4], camera_type=camera_type, metadata=metadata, ) assert self.downscale_factor is not None cameras.rescale_output_resolution(scaling_factor=1.0 / self.downscale_factor) # The naming is somewhat confusing, but: # - transform_matrix contains the transformation to dataparser output coordinates from saved coordinates. # - dataparser_transform_matrix contains the transformation to dataparser output coordinates from original data coordinates. # - applied_transform contains the transformation to saved coordinates from original data coordinates. applied_transform = None colmap_path = / "colmap/sparse/0" if "applied_transform" in meta: applied_transform = torch.tensor(meta["applied_transform"], dtype=transform_matrix.dtype) elif colmap_path.exists(): # For converting from colmap, this was the effective value of applied_transform that was being # used before we added the applied_transform field to the output dataformat. meta["applied_transform"] = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0]] applied_transform = torch.tensor(meta["applied_transform"], dtype=transform_matrix.dtype) if applied_transform is not None: dataparser_transform_matrix = transform_matrix @ [applied_transform, torch.tensor([[0, 0, 0, 1]], dtype=transform_matrix.dtype)], 0 ) else: dataparser_transform_matrix = transform_matrix if "applied_scale" in meta: applied_scale = float(meta["applied_scale"]) scale_factor *= applied_scale # reinitialize metadata for dataparser_outputs metadata = {} # _generate_dataparser_outputs might be called more than once so we check if we already loaded the point cloud try: self.prompted_user except AttributeError: self.prompted_user = False # Load 3D points if self.config.load_3D_points: if "ply_file_path" in meta: ply_file_path = data_dir / meta["ply_file_path"] elif colmap_path.exists(): from rich.prompt import Confirm # check if user wants to make a point cloud from colmap points if not self.prompted_user: self.create_pc = Confirm.ask( "load_3D_points is true, but the dataset was processed with an outdated ns-process-data that didn't convert colmap points to .ply! Update the colmap dataset automatically?" ) if self.create_pc: import json from nerfstudio.process_data.colmap_utils import create_ply_from_colmap with open( / "transforms.json") as f: transforms = json.load(f) # Update dataset if missing the applied_transform field. if "applied_transform" not in transforms: transforms["applied_transform"] = meta["applied_transform"] ply_filename = "sparse_pc.ply" create_ply_from_colmap( filename=ply_filename, recon_dir=colmap_path,, applied_transform=applied_transform, ) ply_file_path = data_dir / ply_filename transforms["ply_file_path"] = ply_filename # This was the applied_transform value with open( / "transforms.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(transforms, f, indent=4) else: ply_file_path = None else: if not self.prompted_user: CONSOLE.print( "[bold yellow]Warning: load_3D_points set to true but no point cloud found. splatfacto will use random point cloud initialization." ) ply_file_path = None if ply_file_path: sparse_points = self._load_3D_points(ply_file_path, transform_matrix, scale_factor) if sparse_points is not None: metadata.update(sparse_points) self.prompted_user = True dataparser_outputs = DataparserOutputs( image_filenames=image_filenames, cameras=cameras, scene_box=scene_box, mask_filenames=mask_filenames if len(mask_filenames) > 0 else None, dataparser_scale=scale_factor, dataparser_transform=dataparser_transform_matrix, metadata={ "depth_filenames": depth_filenames if len(depth_filenames) > 0 else None, "depth_unit_scale_factor": self.config.depth_unit_scale_factor, "mask_color": self.config.mask_color, **metadata, }, ) return dataparser_outputs def _load_3D_points(self, ply_file_path: Path, transform_matrix: torch.Tensor, scale_factor: float): """Loads point clouds positions and colors from .ply Args: ply_file_path: Path to .ply file transform_matrix: Matrix to transform world coordinates scale_factor: How much to scale the camera origins by. Returns: A dictionary of points: points3D_xyz and colors: points3D_rgb """ import open3d as o3d # Importing open3d is slow, so we only do it if we need it. pcd = # if no points found don't read in an initial point cloud if len(pcd.points) == 0: return None points3D = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(pcd.points, dtype=np.float32)) points3D = ( ( points3D, torch.ones_like(points3D[..., :1]), ), -1, ) @ transform_matrix.T ) points3D *= scale_factor points3D_rgb = torch.from_numpy((np.asarray(pcd.colors) * 255).astype(np.uint8)) out = { "points3D_xyz": points3D, "points3D_rgb": points3D_rgb, } return out def _get_fname(self, filepath: Path, data_dir: Path, downsample_folder_prefix="images_") -> Path: """Get the filename of the image file. downsample_folder_prefix can be used to point to auxiliary image data, e.g. masks filepath: the base file name of the transformations. data_dir: the directory of the data that contains the transform file downsample_folder_prefix: prefix of the newly generated downsampled images """ if self.downscale_factor is None: if self.config.downscale_factor is None: test_img = / filepath) h, w = test_img.size max_res = max(h, w) df = 0 while True: if (max_res / 2 ** (df)) <= MAX_AUTO_RESOLUTION: break if not (data_dir / f"{downsample_folder_prefix}{2 ** (df + 1)}" / break df += 1 self.downscale_factor = 2**df CONSOLE.log(f"Auto image downscale factor of {self.downscale_factor}") else: self.downscale_factor = self.config.downscale_factor if self.downscale_factor > 1: return data_dir / f"{downsample_folder_prefix}{self.downscale_factor}" / return data_dir / filepath