# Copyright 2022 the Regents of the University of California, Nerfstudio Team and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Code for sampling images from a dataset of images.
# for multithreading
import concurrent.futures
import math
import multiprocessing
import random
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Sized, Tuple, Union, cast
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from rich.progress import track
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, IterableDataset, get_worker_info
from torch.utils.data.dataloader import DataLoader
from nerfstudio.cameras.camera_utils import fisheye624_project, fisheye624_unproject_helper
from nerfstudio.cameras.cameras import Cameras, CameraType
from nerfstudio.cameras.rays import RayBundle
from nerfstudio.data.datasets.base_dataset import InputDataset
from nerfstudio.data.pixel_samplers import PatchPixelSamplerConfig, PixelSampler, PixelSamplerConfig
from nerfstudio.data.utils.nerfstudio_collate import nerfstudio_collate
from nerfstudio.model_components.ray_generators import RayGenerator
from nerfstudio.utils.misc import get_dict_to_torch
from nerfstudio.utils.rich_utils import CONSOLE
[docs]def variable_res_collate(batch: List[Dict]) -> Dict:
"""Default collate function for our dataloader.
batch: Batch of samples from the dataset.
Collated batch.
images = []
imgdata_lists = defaultdict(list)
for data in batch:
image = data.pop("image")
topop = []
for key, val in data.items():
if isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
# if the value has same height and width as the image, assume that it should be collated accordingly.
if len(val.shape) >= 2 and val.shape[:2] == image.shape[:2]:
# now that iteration is complete, the image data items can be removed from the batch
for key in topop:
del data[key]
new_batch = nerfstudio_collate(batch)
new_batch["image"] = images
return new_batch
def _undistort_image(
camera: Cameras, distortion_params: np.ndarray, data: dict, image: np.ndarray, K: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Optional[torch.Tensor]]:
mask = None
if camera.camera_type.item() == CameraType.PERSPECTIVE.value:
assert distortion_params[3] == 0, (
"We don't support the 4th Brown parameter for image undistortion, Only k1, k2, k3, p1, p2 can be non-zero."
# we rearrange the distortion parameters because OpenCV expects the order (k1, k2, p1, p2, k3)
# see https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/dc/dbb/tutorial_py_calibration.html
distortion_params = np.array(
# because OpenCV expects the pixel coord to be top-left, we need to shift the principal point by 0.5
# see https://github.com/nerfstudio-project/nerfstudio/issues/3048
K[0, 2] = K[0, 2] - 0.5
K[1, 2] = K[1, 2] - 0.5
if np.any(distortion_params):
newK, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(K, distortion_params, (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]), 0)
image = cv2.undistort(image, K, distortion_params, None, newK) # type: ignore
newK = K
roi = 0, 0, image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
# crop the image and update the intrinsics accordingly
x, y, w, h = roi
image = image[y : y + h, x : x + w]
newK[0, 2] -= x
newK[1, 2] -= y
if "depth_image" in data:
data["depth_image"] = data["depth_image"][y : y + h, x : x + w]
if "mask" in data:
mask = data["mask"].numpy()
mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255
if np.any(distortion_params):
mask = cv2.undistort(mask, K, distortion_params, None, newK) # type: ignore
mask = mask[y : y + h, x : x + w]
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).bool()
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = mask[:, :, None]
newK[0, 2] = newK[0, 2] + 0.5
newK[1, 2] = newK[1, 2] + 0.5
K = newK
elif camera.camera_type.item() == CameraType.FISHEYE.value:
K[0, 2] = K[0, 2] - 0.5
K[1, 2] = K[1, 2] - 0.5
distortion_params = np.array(
[distortion_params[0], distortion_params[1], distortion_params[2], distortion_params[3]]
newK = cv2.fisheye.estimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify(
K, distortion_params, (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]), np.eye(3), balance=0
map1, map2 = cv2.fisheye.initUndistortRectifyMap(
K, distortion_params, np.eye(3), newK, (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]), cv2.CV_32FC1
# and then remap:
image = cv2.remap(image, map1, map2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
if "mask" in data:
mask = data["mask"].numpy()
mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255
mask = cv2.fisheye.undistortImage(mask, K, distortion_params, None, newK)
mask = torch.from_numpy(mask).bool()
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = mask[:, :, None]
newK[0, 2] = newK[0, 2] + 0.5
newK[1, 2] = newK[1, 2] + 0.5
K = newK
elif camera.camera_type.item() == CameraType.FISHEYE624.value:
fisheye624_params = torch.cat(
[camera.fx, camera.fy, camera.cx, camera.cy, torch.from_numpy(distortion_params)], dim=0
assert fisheye624_params.shape == (16,)
assert (
"mask" not in data
and camera.metadata is not None
and "fisheye_crop_radius" in camera.metadata
and isinstance(camera.metadata["fisheye_crop_radius"], float)
fisheye_crop_radius = camera.metadata["fisheye_crop_radius"]
# Approximate the FOV of the unmasked region of the camera.
upper, lower, left, right = fisheye624_unproject_helper(
[camera.cx, camera.cy - fisheye_crop_radius],
[camera.cx, camera.cy + fisheye_crop_radius],
[camera.cx - fisheye_crop_radius, camera.cy],
[camera.cx + fisheye_crop_radius, camera.cy],
fov_radians = torch.max(
torch.acos(torch.sum(upper * lower / torch.linalg.norm(upper) / torch.linalg.norm(lower))),
torch.acos(torch.sum(left * right / torch.linalg.norm(left) / torch.linalg.norm(right))),
# Heuristics to determine parameters of an undistorted image.
undist_h = int(fisheye_crop_radius * 2)
undist_w = int(fisheye_crop_radius * 2)
undistort_focal = undist_h / (2 * torch.tan(fov_radians / 2.0))
undist_K = torch.eye(3)
undist_K[0, 0] = undistort_focal # fx
undist_K[1, 1] = undistort_focal # fy
undist_K[0, 2] = (undist_w - 1) / 2.0 # cx; for a 1x1 image, center should be at (0, 0).
undist_K[1, 2] = (undist_h - 1) / 2.0 # cy
# Undistorted 2D coordinates -> rays -> reproject to distorted UV coordinates.
undist_uv_homog = torch.stack(
torch.arange(undist_w, dtype=torch.float32),
torch.arange(undist_h, dtype=torch.float32),
torch.ones((undist_w, undist_h), dtype=torch.float32),
assert undist_uv_homog.shape == (undist_w, undist_h, 3)
dist_uv = (
undist_uv_homog.reshape((undist_w * undist_h, 3)),
params=fisheye624_params[None, :],
.reshape((undist_w, undist_h, 2))
map1 = dist_uv[..., 1]
map2 = dist_uv[..., 0]
# Use correspondence to undistort image.
image = cv2.remap(image, map1, map2, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
# Compute undistorted mask as well.
dist_h = camera.height.item()
dist_w = camera.width.item()
mask = np.mgrid[:dist_h, :dist_w]
mask[0, ...] -= dist_h // 2
mask[1, ...] -= dist_w // 2
mask = np.linalg.norm(mask, axis=0) < fisheye_crop_radius
mask = torch.from_numpy(
mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255,
/ 255.0
).bool()[..., None]
if len(mask.shape) == 2:
mask = mask[:, :, None]
assert mask.shape == (undist_h, undist_w, 1)
K = undist_K.numpy()
raise NotImplementedError("Only perspective and fisheye cameras are supported")
return K, image, mask
[docs]def undistort_view(
idx: int, dataset: InputDataset, image_type: Literal["uint8", "float32"] = "float32"
) -> Tuple[Cameras, Dict]:
"""Undistorts an image to one taken by a linear (pinhole) camera model and returns a new Camera with these updated intrinsics
Note: this method does not modify the dataset's attributes at all.
Returns: The undistorted data (image, depth, mask, etc.) and the new linear Camera object
data = dataset.get_data(idx, image_type)
camera = dataset.cameras[idx].reshape(())
assert data["image"].shape[1] == camera.width.item() and data["image"].shape[0] == camera.height.item(), (
f"The size of image ({data['image'].shape[1]}, {data['image'].shape[0]}) loaded "
f"does not match the camera parameters ({camera.width.item(), camera.height.item()}), idx = {idx}"
if camera.distortion_params is None or torch.all(camera.distortion_params == 0):
return camera.reshape((1,)), data
K = camera.get_intrinsics_matrices().numpy()
distortion_params = camera.distortion_params.numpy()
image = data["image"].numpy()
K, image, mask = _undistort_image(camera, distortion_params, data, image, K)
data["image"] = torch.from_numpy(image)
if mask is not None:
data["mask"] = mask
# create a new Camera with the rectified / undistorted intrinsics
new_camera = Cameras(
fx=torch.Tensor([[float(K[0, 0])]]),
fy=torch.Tensor([[float(K[1, 1])]]),
cx=torch.Tensor([[float(K[0, 2])]]),
cy=torch.Tensor([[float(K[1, 2])]]),
return new_camera, data
[docs]class CacheDataloader(DataLoader):
"""Collated image dataset that implements caching of default-pytorch-collatable data.
Creates batches of the InputDataset return type.
dataset: Dataset to sample from.
num_samples_to_collate: How many images to sample rays for each batch. -1 or infinity for all images.
num_times_to_repeat_images: How often to yield an image batch before resampling. -1 or infinity to never pick new images.
device: Device to perform computation.
collate_fn: The function we will use to collate our training data
def __init__(
dataset: Dataset,
num_images_to_sample_from: Union[int, float] = float("inf"),
num_times_to_repeat_images: Union[int, float] = float("inf"),
device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu",
collate_fn: Callable[[Any], Any] = nerfstudio_collate,
exclude_batch_keys_from_device: Optional[List[str]] = None,
if exclude_batch_keys_from_device is None:
exclude_batch_keys_from_device = ["image"]
self.dataset = dataset
assert isinstance(self.dataset, Sized)
super().__init__(dataset=dataset, **kwargs) # This will set self.dataset
self.num_times_to_repeat_images = num_times_to_repeat_images
self.cache_all_images = (num_images_to_sample_from == -1) or (num_images_to_sample_from >= len(self.dataset))
self.num_images_to_sample_from = len(self.dataset) if self.cache_all_images else num_images_to_sample_from
self.device = device
self.collate_fn = collate_fn
self.num_workers = kwargs.get("num_workers", 0)
self.exclude_batch_keys_from_device = exclude_batch_keys_from_device
self.num_repeated = self.num_times_to_repeat_images # starting value
self.first_time = True
self.cached_collated_batch = None
if self.cache_all_images:
CONSOLE.print(f"Caching all {len(self.dataset)} images.")
if len(self.dataset) > 500:
"[bold yellow]Warning: If you run out of memory, try reducing the number of images to sample from."
self.cached_collated_batch = self._get_collated_batch()
elif self.num_times_to_repeat_images == float("inf"):
f"Caching {self.num_images_to_sample_from} out of {len(self.dataset)} images, without resampling."
f"Caching {self.num_images_to_sample_from} out of {len(self.dataset)} images, "
f"resampling every {self.num_times_to_repeat_images} iters."
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.dataset.__getitem__(idx)
def _get_batch_list(self):
"""Returns a list of batches from the dataset attribute."""
assert isinstance(self.dataset, Sized)
indices = random.sample(
if self.num_images_to_sample_from == float("inf")
else int(self.num_images_to_sample_from)
batch_list = []
results = []
num_threads = int(self.num_workers) * 4
num_threads = min(num_threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1)
num_threads = max(num_threads, 1)
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
for idx in indices:
res = executor.submit(self.dataset.__getitem__, idx)
for res in track(results, description="Loading data batch", transient=True):
return batch_list
def _get_collated_batch(self):
"""Returns a collated batch of images."""
batch_list = self._get_batch_list()
collated_batch = self.collate_fn(batch_list)
collated_batch = get_dict_to_torch(
collated_batch, device=self.device, exclude=self.exclude_batch_keys_from_device
return collated_batch
def __iter__(self):
while True:
if self.cache_all_images:
collated_batch = self.cached_collated_batch
elif self.first_time or (
self.num_times_to_repeat_images != -1 and self.num_repeated >= self.num_times_to_repeat_images
# trigger a reset
self.num_repeated = 0
collated_batch = self._get_collated_batch()
# possibly save a cached item
self.cached_collated_batch = collated_batch if self.num_times_to_repeat_images != 0 else None
self.first_time = False
collated_batch = self.cached_collated_batch
self.num_repeated += 1
yield collated_batch
[docs]class RayBatchStream(IterableDataset):
"""Wrapper around Pytorch's IterableDataset to generate the next batch of rays (next RayBundle) and corresponding labels
with multiple parallel workers.
Each worker samples a small batch of images, pixel samples those images, and generates rays for one training step.
The same batch of images can be pixel sampled multiple times hasten ray generation, as retrieving images is process
bottlenecked by disk read speed. To avoid Out-Of-Memory (OOM) errors, this batch of images is small and regenerated
by resampling the worker's partition of images to maintain sampling diversity.
def __init__(
input_dataset: InputDataset,
sampling_seed: int = 3301,
num_rays_per_batch: int = 1024,
num_images_to_sample_from: Union[int, float] = float("inf"),
num_times_to_repeat_images: Union[int, float] = float("inf"),
device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu",
# variable_res_collate avoids np.stack'ing images, which allows it to be much faster than `nerfstudio_collate`
collate_fn: Callable[[Any], Any] = cast(Any, staticmethod(variable_res_collate)),
num_image_load_threads: int = 4,
exclude_batch_keys_from_device: Optional[List[str]] = None,
load_from_disk: bool = False,
patch_size: int = 1,
custom_ray_processor: Optional[Callable[[RayBundle, Dict], Tuple[RayBundle, Dict]]] = None,
if exclude_batch_keys_from_device is None:
exclude_batch_keys_from_device = ["image"]
self.input_dataset = input_dataset
self.sampling_seed = sampling_seed
assert isinstance(self.input_dataset, Sized)
self.num_rays_per_batch = num_rays_per_batch
"""Number of rays per batch to user per training iteration."""
self.num_images_to_sample_from = num_images_to_sample_from
"""How many images to sample to generate a RayBundle. More images means greater sampling diversity at expense of increased RAM usage."""
self.num_times_to_repeat_images = num_times_to_repeat_images
"""How many RayBundles to generate from this batch of images after sampling `num_images_to_sample_from` images."""
self.device = device
"""If a CUDA GPU is present, self.device will be set to use that GPU."""
self.collate_fn = collate_fn
"""What collate function is used to batch images to be used for pixel sampling and ray generation. """
self.num_image_load_threads = num_image_load_threads
"""Number of threads created to read images from disk and form collated batches."""
self.exclude_batch_keys_from_device = exclude_batch_keys_from_device
"""Which key of the batch (such as 'image', 'mask','depth') to prevent from moving to the device.
For instance, if you would like to conserve GPU memory, don't move the image tensors to the GPU,
which comes at a cost of total training time. The default value is ['image']."""
self.load_from_disk = load_from_disk
"""If True, conserves RAM memory by loading images from disk.
If False, each worker caches all the images in its dataset partition as tensors to RAM and loads from RAM."""
self.patch_size = patch_size
"""Size of patch to sample from. If > 1, patch-based sampling will be used."""
self._cached_collated_batch = None
"""Each worker has a self._cached_collated_batch contains a collated batch of images cached in RAM for a specific worker that's ready for pixel sampling."""
self.pixel_sampler_config: PixelSamplerConfig = PixelSamplerConfig()
"""Specifies the pixel sampler config used to sample pixels from images. Each worker will have its own pixel sampler"""
self.ray_generator: Optional[RayGenerator] = None
"""Each worker will have its own ray generator, so this is set to None for now."""
self.custom_ray_processor = custom_ray_processor
def _get_pixel_sampler(self, dataset: InputDataset, num_rays_per_batch: int) -> PixelSampler:
"""copied from VanillaDataManager."""
from nerfstudio.cameras.cameras import CameraType
if self.patch_size > 1 and type(self.pixel_sampler_config) is PixelSamplerConfig:
return PatchPixelSamplerConfig().setup(patch_size=self.patch_size, num_rays_per_batch=num_rays_per_batch)
is_equirectangular = (dataset.cameras.camera_type == CameraType.EQUIRECTANGULAR.value).all()
if is_equirectangular.any():
CONSOLE.print("[bold yellow]Warning: Some cameras are equirectangular, but using default pixel sampler.")
fisheye_crop_radius = None
if dataset.cameras.metadata is not None:
fisheye_crop_radius = dataset.cameras.metadata.get("fisheye_crop_radius")
return self.pixel_sampler_config.setup(
def _get_batch_list(self, indices):
"""Returns a list representing a single batch from the dataset attribute.
Each item of the list is a dictionary with dict_keys(['image_idx', 'image']) representing 1 image.
This function is used to sample and load images from disk/RAM and is only called in _get_collated_batch()
The length of the list is equal to the (# of training images) / (num_workers)
Note: The `indices` given to _get_collated_batch() are the `indices` passed to _get_batch_list(). These `indices`
are either set to the entire dataset if we are not loading from disk or some partiton of dataset whose size
is dependent on self.num_images_to_sample_from if we are loading from disk.
assert isinstance(self.input_dataset, Sized)
batch_list = []
results = []
num_threads = int(self.num_image_load_threads) if self.load_from_disk else 4 * int(self.num_image_load_threads)
num_threads = min(num_threads, multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1)
num_threads = max(num_threads, 1)
# NB: this is I/O heavy because we are going to disk and reading an image filename
# hence multi-threaded inside the worker
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as executor:
for idx in indices:
res = executor.submit(self.input_dataset.__getitem__, idx)
for res in results:
return batch_list
def _get_collated_batch(self, indices):
"""Takes the output of _get_batch_list and collates them with nerfstudio_collate() or variable_res_collate()
Note: dict is an instance of collections.abc.Mapping
The resulting output is collated_batch: a dictionary with dict_keys(['image_idx', 'image'])
- collated_batch['image_idx'] is tensor with shape torch.Size([per_worker])
- collated_batch['image'] is tensor with shape torch.Size([per_worker, height, width, 3])
batch_list = self._get_batch_list(indices=indices)
collated_batch = self.collate_fn(batch_list)
collated_batch = get_dict_to_torch(
collated_batch, device=self.device, exclude=self.exclude_batch_keys_from_device
return collated_batch
[docs] def __iter__(self):
"""This implementation allows every worker only cache the indices of the images they will use to generate rays to conserve RAM memory."""
worker_info = get_worker_info()
if worker_info is not None: # if we have multiple processes
if len(self.input_dataset) < worker_info.num_workers:
# if there's fewer datapoints than workers, each worker receives all datapoints
worker_indices = list(range(len(self.input_dataset)))
per_worker = int(math.ceil(len(self.input_dataset) / float(worker_info.num_workers)))
slice_start = worker_info.id * per_worker
dataset_indices = list(range(len(self.input_dataset)))
worker_indices = dataset_indices[slice_start : slice_start + per_worker]
else: # if we only have a single process
worker_indices = list(range(len(self.input_dataset)))
if not self.load_from_disk:
self._cached_collated_batch = self._get_collated_batch(worker_indices)
r = random.Random(self.sampling_seed)
num_rays_per_loop = self.num_rays_per_batch # default train_num_rays_per_batch is 4096
# each worker has its own pixel sampler
worker_pixel_sampler = self._get_pixel_sampler(self.input_dataset, num_rays_per_loop)
# the generated RayBundles will be on the same device as self.input_dataset.cameras (CPU)
self.ray_generator = RayGenerator(self.input_dataset.cameras)
i = 0
true_random = random.Random(worker_info.id) if worker_info is not None else r
# We offset the value of repeat so that they're not all running out of images at once
repeat_offset_max = 10 if worker_info is not None else 1
repeat_offset = true_random.randint(0, repeat_offset_max)
while True:
if not self.load_from_disk:
collated_batch = self._cached_collated_batch
elif i % (self.num_times_to_repeat_images + repeat_offset) == 0:
repeat_offset = true_random.randint(0, repeat_offset_max)
if self.num_images_to_sample_from == float("inf"):
# if infinity, the worker gets all available indices in its partition
image_indices = worker_indices
# get a total of 'num_images_to_sample_from' image indices
image_indices = worker_indices[: self.num_images_to_sample_from]
collated_batch = self._get_collated_batch(image_indices)
i += 1
Here, the variable 'batch' refers to the output of our pixel sampler.
- batch is a dict_keys(['image', 'indices'])
- batch['image'] returns a pytorch tensor with shape `torch.Size([4096, 3])` , where 4096 = num_rays_per_batch.
- Note: each row in this tensor represents the RGB values as floats in [0, 1] of the pixel the ray goes through.
- The info of what specific image index that pixel belongs to is stored within batch[’indices’]
- batch['indices'] returns a pytorch tensor `torch.Size([4096, 3])` tensor where each row represents (image_idx, pixelRow, pixelCol)
pixel_sampler (for variable_res_collate) will loop though each image, samples pixel within the mask, and returns
them as the variable `indices` which has shape torch.Size([4096, 3]), where each row represents a pixel (image_idx, pixelRow, pixelCol)
batch = worker_pixel_sampler.sample(collated_batch) # type: ignore
# Note: collated_batch["image"].get_device() will return CPU if self.exclude_batch_keys_from_device contains 'image'
ray_indices = batch["indices"]
# the ray_bundle is on the GPU; batch["image"] is on the CPU, here we move it to the GPU
ray_bundle = self.ray_generator(ray_indices).to(self.device)
if self.custom_ray_processor:
ray_bundle, batch = self.custom_ray_processor(ray_bundle, batch)
yield ray_bundle, batch
[docs]class ImageBatchStream(IterableDataset):
A wrapper of InputDataset that outputs undistorted full images and cameras. This makes the
datamanager more lightweight since we don't have to do generate rays. Useful for full-image
training e.g. rasterization pipelines
def __init__(
input_dataset: InputDataset,
sampling_seed: int = 3301,
cache_images_type: Literal["uint8", "float32"] = "float32",
device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu",
custom_image_processor: Optional[Callable[[Cameras, Dict], Tuple[Cameras, Dict]]] = None,
self.input_dataset = input_dataset
self.sampling_seed = sampling_seed
self.cache_images_type = cache_images_type
self.device = device
self.custom_image_processor = custom_image_processor
def __iter__(self):
dataset_indices = list(range(len(self.input_dataset)))
worker_info = get_worker_info()
if worker_info is not None: # if we have multiple processes
per_worker = int(math.ceil(len(dataset_indices) / float(worker_info.num_workers)))
slice_start = worker_info.id * per_worker
else: # we only have a single process
per_worker = len(self.input_dataset)
slice_start = 0
worker_indices = dataset_indices[
slice_start : slice_start + per_worker
] # the indices of the datapoints in the dataset this worker will load
r = random.Random(self.sampling_seed)
i = 0 # i refers to what image index we are outputting: i=0 => we are yielding our first image,camera
while True:
if i >= len(worker_indices):
# if we've iterated through all the worker's partition of images, we need to reshuffle
i = 0
idx = worker_indices[i] # idx refers to the actual datapoint index this worker will retrieve
camera, data = undistort_view(idx, self.input_dataset, self.cache_images_type) # type: ignore
if camera.metadata is None:
camera.metadata = {}
camera.metadata["cam_idx"] = idx
# Apply custom processing if provided
if self.custom_image_processor:
camera, data = self.custom_image_processor(camera, data)
i += 1
camera = camera.to(self.device)
for k in data.keys():
if isinstance(data[k], torch.Tensor):
data[k] = data[k].to(self.device)
yield camera, data
[docs]class EvalDataloader(DataLoader):
"""Evaluation dataloader base class
input_dataset: InputDataset to load data from
device: Device to load data to
def __init__(
input_dataset: InputDataset,
device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu",
self.input_dataset = input_dataset
self.cameras = input_dataset.cameras.to(device)
self.device = device
self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] @abstractmethod
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterates over the dataset"""
return self
[docs] @abstractmethod
def __next__(self) -> Tuple[RayBundle, Dict]:
"""Returns the next batch of data"""
[docs] def get_camera(self, image_idx: int = 0) -> Tuple[Cameras, Dict]:
"""Get camera for the given image index
image_idx: Camera image index
camera = self.cameras[image_idx : image_idx + 1]
batch = self.input_dataset[image_idx]
batch = get_dict_to_torch(batch, device=self.device, exclude=["image"])
assert isinstance(batch, dict)
return camera, batch
[docs] def get_data_from_image_idx(self, image_idx: int) -> Tuple[RayBundle, Dict]:
"""Returns the data for a specific image index.
image_idx: Camera image index
ray_bundle = self.cameras.generate_rays(camera_indices=image_idx, keep_shape=True)
batch = self.input_dataset[image_idx]
batch = get_dict_to_torch(batch, device=self.device, exclude=["image"])
assert isinstance(batch, dict)
return ray_bundle, batch
[docs]class FixedIndicesEvalDataloader(EvalDataloader):
"""Dataloader that returns a fixed set of indices.
input_dataset: InputDataset to load data from
image_indices: List of image indices to load data from. If None, then use all images.
device: Device to load data to
def __init__(
input_dataset: InputDataset,
image_indices: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None,
device: Union[torch.device, str] = "cpu",
super().__init__(input_dataset, device, **kwargs)
if image_indices is None:
self.image_indices = list(range(len(input_dataset)))
self.image_indices = image_indices
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
self.count = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.count < len(self.image_indices):
image_idx = self.image_indices[self.count]
camera, batch = self.get_camera(image_idx)
self.count += 1
return camera, batch
raise StopIteration
[docs]class RandIndicesEvalDataloader(EvalDataloader):
"""Dataloader that returns random images.
input_dataset: InputDataset to load data from
device: Device to load data to
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
# choose a random image index
image_idx = random.randint(0, len(self.cameras) - 1)
camera, batch = self.get_camera(image_idx)
return camera, batch